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Orthodox Judaism--Periodical / Yeshiva University -- Periodical


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  • ItemOpen Access
    Gesher ; 5 (1976-1977)
    ([New York] : Student Organization of Yeshiva, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, Yeshiva University., 1977) LAMM, NORMAN; Belkin, Samuel; Kramer, Doniel Z.; Hyman, Arthur; Kaufman, Martin; Berkovits, Eliezer; Levine, Aaron; Kanarfogel, Ephraim; Bleich, J. David; Rothkoff-Rakeffet, Aaron; Glogower, Rod; Carmy, Shalom; Moskowitz, Avi; Bayme, Steven; Cherrick, Jordan; Senders, Shelley; Stiefel, Aaron; Breatross, Asher
  • ItemOpen Access
    Gesher ; 1(1) (1969)
    ([New York] : Student Organization of Yeshiva, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, Yeshiva University., 1969) Soloveitchik, Aaron; Lichtenstein, Aharon; Kanatopsky, Harold B.; Riskin, Steven; Kasdan, MENACHEM M.; Tendler, Moses D.; Halberstam, Isidore; Geduld, Mordechai; Posner, Simon; Safran, Bezalel; GROSSMAN, LAWRENCE I.; Rothkoff, Aaron; Roth, Nosan; Kasdan, Menachem M.; Posner, Simon; Leist, Neil; Fine, Moshe; Klavan, David; Horowitz, Harold; Mond, Alan; Young, Robert
  • ItemOpen Access
    Gesher ; 7 (1979)
    ([New York] : Student Organization of Yeshiva, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, Yeshiva University., 1979) LAMM, NORMAN; Berkovits, Eliezer; Kanarfogel, Ephraim; Levy, Daniel; Greenberg, Irving; Sherman, Michael D.; Carmy, Shalom; Sokolow, Moshe; Kane, Andrew L.; Bernstein, Moshe J.; Levy, Bryna Jocheved; Rotter, Irving; Carmy, Shalom; Karol, Sheon; Lichtenberg, Pesach; Rosenfeld, Jose; Fenster, Mark; Koppel, David; Katsman, Daniel
  • ItemOpen Access
    Gesher ; 8 (1981 / 5741)
    ([New York] : Student Organization of Yeshiva, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, Yeshiva University., 1981) LAMM, NORMAN; Goldhagen, Erich; Meiselman, Moshe; GORDON, MARTIN L.; GROSSMAN, LAWRENCE I.; Ehrenpreis, Eliezer; Muskin, Elazar R.; Mann, Isaac H.; Matzozky, Eliyho; Walfish, Avie; Schaffer, Arthur; Carmy, Shalom; Lichtenberg, Pesach; Katsman, Daniel; Brill, Alan; Berkowitz, Mordechai; Weisstuch, Joseph; Fenster, Mark; Koppel, David
  • ItemOpen Access
    Gesher ; 6 (1977-1978)
    ([New York] : Student Organization of Yeshiva, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, Yeshiva University., 1978) Schwarzschild, Steven S.; Roth, Sol; Cherrick, Jordan B.; Wurzburger, Walter S.; Weingarten, Uziel; Sokolow, Moshe; Linder, Gary; Tendler, Moses D.; Fishman, Joshua A.; Fisch, Dov; Gurock, Jeffrey S.; Rosenfeld, Jose; Cherrick, Jordan; Senders, Shelley; Stiefel, Aaron; Sheinfeld, Joshua; Straus, Jack
    "In this edition of Gesher, we present both the old and the new, alumni of years past many of whom are now professors and instructors, and students who are presently still enrolled in Yeshiva College. By combining both elements in a journal of this sort, we are not only bridging the spectrum in a historical sense, but also within an intellectual context. It is Yeshiva College which has influenced and has helped train sophisticated Judaic scholars capable of producing the type of Orthodox Jewish scholarship featured in Gesher. " (From the Preface)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Gesher ; 9 (1985 / Sivan 5745)
    ([New York] : Student Organization of Yeshiva, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, Yeshiva University., 1985) Bleich, Judith; Charlop, Zevulun; Landes, Daniel; Levine, Aaron; Mintz, Adam; Rothkoff-Rakeffet, Aaron; WAGNER, STANLEY M.; Wurzburger, Walter S.; HAVAZELET, MEIR; LAMM, NORMAN; Dratch, Mark; Stadmauer, Alan; Zimmerman, Gerald; Huttler, Joseph; Kwass, Lawrence; Silver, David S.
    ..."The publication of aricles in Hebrew broadens the scope of our journal as well as providing it with the opportunity to publish the work of many fine scholars who prefer to write in Hebrew. The increased emphasis on Jewish thought and Halachot governing 'Bein Adam le-Haveiro' is deliberate. In an age when religious commitment is measured by an ever-increasing devotion to the 'chumrot' we adopt, the ethical relationships between fellow Jews and fellow human beings have been curiously neglected. The publication of serious, scholarly consideration of these issue epitomizes our belief that Jewish scholarship is not and has never been devoid of moral implications." --(from Preface).
  • ItemOpen Access
    Gesher ; 10 (April 2010)
    (The Michael Scharf Publication Trust of Yeshiva University Press, 2010-04) Schwab, Ari; Bernstein, Yehuda; Eleff, Zev; Blaustein, Ezra; Cinnamon, Michael J.; Zuckier, Shlomo; Ozar, Alex; Shapiro, Ari; Shulman, Danny; Horowitz, Julian; Horowitz, Julian; Kandel, Ben; Frazer, Ezra; Gurock, Jeffrey; Aster, Shawn Zelig; Koller, Aaron; Cohn, Tani; Brander, Tuvia; Gross, Simcha; Zukier, Shlomo; Horowitz, Julian; Ratner, Yitzchak; Schwab, Jonathan; Shapiro, Ari
  • ItemOpen Access
    Gesher ; 3(1) June 1966
    ([New York] : Student Organization of Yeshiva, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, Yeshiva University., 1966-06) Soloveichik, Joseph B.; LAMM, NORMAN; Agus, Irving; Hochbaum, Jerry; BRAYER, MENACHEM M.; Mikroy, Nosan; Kaplan, Lawrence; Kasdan, MENACHEM M.; Berkowitz, William C.; Gottlieb, Isaac Boaz; GROSSMAN, LAWRENCE I.; Lewis, Justin; Wikler, Joseph; Strikovsky, Aryeh; Feldblum, Meyer S.; Horowitz, Carmi Y.; Kasdan, Menachem; Posner, Simon; Levenglick, Authur B.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Gesher ; 2(1) Sivan 5724
    ([New York] : Student Organization of Yeshiva, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, Yeshiva University., 1964) Rackman, Emanuel; Geller, Victor; Rothkoff, Aaron; Weiss, Benjamin; Riskin, Shlomo; Mescheloff, Ephraim; Brovender, Chaim; Berger, David; Koeningsberg, Isaiah; Brovender, Chaim; Grossman, Joel; Grodner, Reuven; Epstein, Nathan H.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Gesher: ; 1(1) June 1963
    ([New York] : Student Organization of Yeshiva, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, Yeshiva University., 1963-06) Belkin, Samuel; Bacon, Isaac; Lichtenstein, Aaron; Kapustin, Daniel; Riskin, Steven; GORDON, MARTIN L.; Wachstock, Oscar A.; Mantel, Mordechai; Riskin, Steven; Wachstock, Oscar; Zaveloff, Eugene