Stern College Syllabi -- Spring and Fall 2021-2022 courses --- SPEE (Speech)
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Item Restricted SPEE 2090: Play Production(Stern College for Women, Yeshiva University, 2020-09) Gottfried, Ethel LeahCLASS DESCRIPTION The course is intended to provide a foundation of understanding about a variety of aspects of theatre production, including: the range of theatrical activity and the organization of theatre work; the principal elements of a dramatic text and of theatrical performance and at a basic level, each of the principal crafts of the theatre, including playwriting, acting, directing, design, and technical production. ¶REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL STUDENTS ● Registration list will be sent to the Deans and Registrar following attendance at the required initial meeting. ● Read the script of the play in production. ● Attend one rehearsal of the SCDS show. ● Attend Sunday rehearsal before opening – hours TBA. This is the first technical rehearsal where all of the technical and acting elements are integrated. Your specific attendance times will be clarified well beforehand. ● Attend at least one performance of the SCDS play. ● Be in constant communication with SCDS – respond quickly to emails, etc. ● If taking the course for two credits, you must participate in the work of the show for at least 25 hours and complete the written assignment. ● If auditing the course, clarify with your crew chief your availability and follow through on all responsibilities you take on. ¶All students will be assigned to one of the following tracks. Details of these assignments are listed below. ● ACTOR ● STAGE MANAGER/ASSISTANT STAGE MANAGER ● COSTUMES - CREW MEMBER OR CREW CHIEF ● STAGE CREW/SET BUILDING - CREW MEMBER OR CREW CHIEF ● PROPS - CREW MEMBER OR CREW CHIEF ● LIGHTING - CREW MEMBER OR CREW CHIEF ● SOUND - CREW MEMBER OR CREW CHIEF ● OPERATIONS/EVENTS/HOUSE MANAGERS/USHERS - CREW MEMBER or CREW CHIEF ● MARKETING/TICKET SELLERS/BOX OFFICE/GRAPHICS - CREW MEMBER or CREW CHIEF ● BOARD MEMBERItem Restricted SPEE 1010 Speech Communication(2021-01) Russell, ReuvenOBJECTIVES OF COURSE: To enable the student to become familiar with effective techniques of public speaking To speak in a clear, logical and appropriate manner To present speeches with a clear thesis using the Informative and Persuasive purposes To develop confidence and oral and writing skills in speaking extemporaneously with appropriate preparation and practice To adapt and practice active and critical listening To demonstrate delivery skills with interactive eye contact, body language, articulation and vocal projection To research and organize worthwhile topics To organize topic material into a logical sentence outline To credit sources appropriately To incorporate credible and relevant supporting evidence To demonstrate the ability to use vivid language for the target audience, and recognize the power of the spoken word To help the student develop her own ethical communication experiences in public speaking in order to help her expand and appreciate more effective communication competence in an educated society with dynamic demands of public speaking The Speech and Drama Department hopes that you will take advantage of this opportunity to express your ideas and share your interests directly with other students and faculty. We also hope that you will help make this course instructive, challenging, and interesting for all involved. The emphasis in this course is on continued growth of research and oral skills, so that you can become a more effective and confident communicator and a more thoughtful critic in real world applications in your personal life, your future profession and in your community.Item Restricted SPEE 1010 - E Speech Communication(2021-09) Russell, Robert; Russell, ReuvenOBJECTIVES OF COURSE: To enable the student to become familiar with effective techniques of public speaking To speak in a clear, logical and appropriate manner To present speeches with a clear thesis using the Informative and Persuasive purposes To develop confidence and oral and writing skills in speaking extemporaneously with appropriate preparation and practice To adapt and practice active and critical listening To demonstrate delivery skills with interactive eye contact, body language, articulation and vocal projection To research and organize worthwhile topics To organize topic material into a logical sentence outline To credit sources appropriately To incorporate credible and relevant supporting evidence To demonstrate the ability to use vivid language for the target audience, and recognize the power of the spoken word To help the student develop her own ethical communication experiences in public speaking in order to help her expand and appreciate more effective communication competence in an educated society with dynamic demands of public speaking FUNCTION OF COURSE: The course is divided into 5 overlapping units: 1. Diction – A continuing unit designed to assist the student to become a fluent speaker. In-class drills help the student achieve a standard of articulation commensurate with the educated individual in our society. In connection with this, the student’s articulation is carefully evaluated and suggestions for self-improvement are offered. 2. Voice Improvement – A continuing unit designed to make the student aware of the benefits of variety in expression and its relationship to effective communication. The student is given awareness of voice production and analytical sound discrimination. The student gives oral readings from literature, reports and/or other experiences assigned and participates in creative dramatic exercises. The emphasis throughout will be on polishing presentation skills. 3. Informative Speech – The student learns the techniques of informative speaking; how to organize and deliver material to an audience clearly, meaningfully, and in an interesting manner. A typed sentence outline and bibliography are required. Only authored articles and books, especially from the Internet, are allowed for the bibliography. 4. Persuasive Speech – The student learns the techniques of the various kinds of persuasion affecting her life; the different types of persuasive speeches; and audience analysis. Attention will be given to responsible research, meaningful and appropriate contemporary topics, and organization of the persuasive speech. A typed sentence outline, a strategy plan, and an annotated bibliography are required. Only authored articles and books, including from the Internet, are allowed for the bibliography. 5. FINAL SPEECH - The final speech topic & purpose, informative or persuasive, will be chosen by the student. A typed sentence outline, a strategy plan, and an annotated bibliography are required. Only authored articles and books, including from the Internet, are allowed for the bibliography. Since the work in this course is cumulative, this final speech should represent the student’s best efforts demonstrating the skills and lessons learned in the course.