Graduate Program In Advanced Talmudic Studies For Women

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Statement of Philosophy and Purpose
Western society during the past century has fostered and witnessed a sea change in the education of women, resulting in a broad equivalence of intellectual sophistication and academic achievement among men and women. As recognized long ago by the Rav זצ"ל and pioneered by him here at Stern College, this contemporary environment creates a religious imperative to make available to Orthodox women, particularly those שנפשותיהן חושקות בתורה, the opportunity for unfettered access to תלמוד תורה , to allow for and enhance their fulfillment of לעבדו בכל לבבכם ובכל נפשכם. Through both its undergraduate Jewish Studies curriculum and its Graduate Program in Advanced Talmudic Studies, Yeshiva University is proud, in keeping with its core mission, to rise to meet one of the most profound Jewish educational challenges of the generation.
Mission Statement
The Graduate Program in Advanced Talmudic Studies, accredited to award a Master’s Degree in Biblical and Talmudic Interpretation, will produce graduates who are sophisticated לומדות תורה לשמה, and who are both properly equipped and properly credentialed to become effective and inspiring leaders in the Jewish community. The program will provide continuing immersion in traditional Talmud Torah in all of its breadth and depth for an outstanding and highly select group of learned and qualified Orthodox women.


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