"A Few Good Men" by Aaron Sorkin




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YCDS, Yeshiva University

YU Faculty Profile


This play is based on a real event that took place at the Marine base in Guantanamo Bay in the 1980s. Alan Sorkin, the playwright, heard of this event from his sister who as an attorney defended a group of Marines at that base who almost killed a fellow soldier in a hazing ordered by a superior officer. Sorkin brilliantly fictionalized the story into a play that opened on Broadway in 1989 and then became a hit movie in 1992. It has been such a pleasure to work with a play where the dialogue is so crisp, the characters and themes are so well-developed and the story so engaging. (from p. 4 Director's notes).


Student playbill


playbill, YCDS, theater program


Snider, L. (Director) (2013, December 6-11). "A Few Good Men" by Aaron Sorkin [Theater program]. Yeshiva University, Yeshiva College Speech & Drama Department and the Yeshiva College Dramatics Society.