Job satisfaction of mental health workers in community-based settings




Zeller, Charlotte

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ProQuest Dissertations & Theses

YU Faculty Profile


This study examined the level of job satisfaction for mental health workers working in office and community-based settings. This was an explanatory, cross sectional quantitative study. The data was collected utilizing a survey, which was distributed at scheduled staff meetings or by agency management. The questionnaire was comprised of the following sections: The Job Satisfaction Survey (Spector, 1994), supervision, confidentiality/privacy and distractions/intrusions items, an adaptation of the safety items included in the University National Treatment Center Study Counselor Questionnaire and information on the personal, professional characteristics and predominant practice setting of each participant. A convenience sample consisting of 444 mental health workers was constituted with 217 questionnaires returned for this study. This sample was drawn from mental health clinics in Massachusetts and Connecticut that were listed in each state's telephone directory and from colleagues who had identified agencies as providing community-based services. Fifteen agencies participated in this study. The participants provided in-office and community-based mental health services to children, youths and adults and held college degrees ranging from associate level through doctoral degrees. The returned sample represented 49% (n=217) of the total number of workers contacted.;This study supports the human relations theory that asserts that employees are affected by the work setting, relationships between workers, management and co-workers and the policies and structures of the organization. Using this conceptual view, the study examined job satisfaction, supervision, safety issues, problems with privacy/confidentiality and distractions/intrusions in relationship to practice settings and level of job satisfaction.;The significant findings of this study were drawn from the utilization of multiple regression analyses. The results showed that a higher proportion of time in the office resulted in lower levels of job satisfaction. The study also revealed that workers who have more frequent supervision and viewed supervisors more positively had higher levels of job satisfaction. Lastly, the study indicated that workers providing a higher proportion of services in the office had fewer perceived difficulties maintaining client related confidentiality/privacy and had higher levels of job satisfaction. The findings of this study indicate further examination of organizational policies, educational curriculum and professional organization policies.



Social work., Mental health.


Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 69-06, Section: A, page: 2458.