JUDS 1582: Medical Ethics: Abortion in Halacha



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Stern College for Women, Yeshiva University

YU Faculty Profile


COURSE OVERVIEW: This course will explore questions related to abortion and how Halacha deals with those in a position to consider an abortion. Abortions in general have become more prevalent across the world especially due to the advanced imaging and diagnostic capabilities that have been developed in aims of identifying damaging diseases in fetuses. The goal of this course will be to look closely at issues such as status of a fetus, change in status as the pregnancy develops, and what Halacha views as the appropriate conditions if any under which to perform or acquiesce to an abortion. Additionally we will discuss how differences in secular and Halakhic analysis may shift the paradigm for the observant patient or physician in approaching questions of abortion. This course will be text heavy and include numerous class discussions using detailed case studies about how we approach this issue in Halacha.¶ COURSE GOALS: This course will focus on both content/knowledge as well as skill building. The content will cover the discussion of abortion in Halacha specifically how that Sugya develops through the primary, secondary and legal sources. Skills that will be worked on include building text skills in Gemara, Rishonim, and Poskim as well as building a Sugya in Halacha from the start.


SCW course syllabus / YU only


abortion, Halacha


Laufer, K. (2022, Spring). JUDS 1582: Medical Ethics: Abortion in Halacha. Stern College for Women, Yeshiva University.