Dual symmetric theory and the harmonic oscillator model of hadrons.



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ProQuest Dissertations & Theses

YU Faculty Profile


The exciting activities the last two years :in the direction of dual resonance models,in particular the simple renormalization procedure £ow1d to eliminate the divergency :in loop graphs [12] and the symmetry properties encounter in the amplitudes which provides Ward-like identities [1.3] to be used to solve the problem of the ghost particles; and most of all the beautiful physical :interpretation discussed by Nielsen [14] and Susskind [15] exploting the conformal invariance of the theory,have :increased the hope of being on the right track for finding a general scheme to describe the physics or strong interactions. (from Introduction)


Doctoral dissertation, PhD / YU Only


Nuclear physics.


Gallardo, J. C. (1970). Dual symmetric theory and the harmonic oscillator model of hadrons (Publication No. 302553836). [Doctoral dissertation].Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 31-09, Section: B, page: 5546.