Topics in fractional Laplacian and dynamical systems



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Yeshiva University

YU Faculty Profile


Abstract In this thesis, we consider problems involving the n-dimensional fractional Laplacians including elliptic equations and parabolic equations. We also consider the problems involving fractional Monge-Amp'ere operators. The thesis is mostly devoted to presenting our original work on the progress obtained in the development of direct methods that can effectively deal with the above problems. ¶

In the second part of the work, we are interested in the length of a few consecutive long free flights in infinite horizon Lorentz Gas. In dimension D=2, it is well known that a flight of length T>>1 is typically followed by a flight of length CT. Here, we extend this result to any dimension D.


Doctoral dissertation, PhD / Open Access


Fractional Laplacian, Mathematics, Dynamical system, Fractional parabolic equation, Lorentz Gas, Parabolic Monge-Ampere equations, PDE


Liu, X. (2023, June). Topics in fractional Laplacian and dynamical systems (Publication No. 30567473) [Doctoral dissertation, Yeshiva University]. PDTG