Parshat Vezot Haberacha: Vital Endings



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The Sacks-Herenstein Center for Values and Leadership, YU

YU Faculty Profile


At this time of the year, we are usually gearing up for a joyous celebration; we've finally reached the end of a month of holidays and the completion of the Torah cycle. When we conclude the Torah reading, we also invite a level of sadness as we read about the very private death and burial of Moses. As a nation, we could not, at that point, imagine a successor or even the next phase of our lives in the Promised Land. Although Joshua had already been appointed, the process of succession is rarely smooth, especially after a very long tenure. The people mourned Moses for a full thirty days.


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Moses, Promised Land, mourning, Simhat Torah


Brown, E., & Schiffman, M. (2024, October 22).