"The Roar of the Greasepaint, the Smell of the Crowd: A musical comedy" by Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricuse [Theater Program]




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Yeshiva College Dramatics Society

YU Faculty Profile


About the Play __Our production is an adaptation of the original presentation of The Roar of the Grease Paint. In its original conception the action took place in a loosely structured Mt. Olympus setting. In this show, we have chosen a selectively realistic set concept wherein the display mannequins in a large New York toy store explore the marvel of the game of life. In addition to the set change, the director has added the character of the jester. We do not know the historical origin of the court jester. We do know, however, that the court jester enjoyed an unusual position and power which has made him an endearing character in many plays. The insertion of the jester as a character in our production is very much the embodiment of the classical “court fool” who performed antics very much like today’s clowns. __Interestingly, the words fool, jester and clown appear in many of the songs in this production. The director had hoped to make the jester the mirror of man’s conscience by endowing him with the power to bring “these poor souls” back to life. Imbued with this spirit by the Jester, the mannequins mirror the game of life played daily by us mortals. Sir is the personification of pettiness, selfishness, false flattery and all such devious traits that he uses to control Cocky. Cocky is the loser in this game of life. He is the heroe of all persons everywhere who have been victimized by the “Sirs.” __The souls come back to life in various situations and forms. The situation in which this evening’s game takes place is a department store; and the form that it takes are the toys


Yeshiva College Dramatics Society playbill. This issue is dedicated to Dr. Prof. Abraham Tauber, obm. (Please note: *We especially acknowledge the participation of Betsy Mondshein and Sharon Weisel— the first Stern College students to participate in a YCDS production.)


Yeshiva College Dramatics Society, Alpha PSI Omega Dramatics Honor Society -- Chi Pi Chapter


Beukas, A. S.(Director). (1977). "The Roar of the Greasepaint, the Smell of the Crowd: A musical comedy" by Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse [Theater Program]. Yeshiva University.