Leadership for addressing aging in America: The health and aging policy fellowship.




Stein, Gary L.
Cacchione, Pamela Z.
Epstein-Lubow, Gary
Borer, Amanda
Curran, Peter
Dabbs, Annette DeVito
Driessen, Julia
Kaskie, Brian
Khan, Fazal
Naegle, Madeline

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JAMDA: Journal of the American Directors Association


The Health and Aging Policy Fellows Program funded by The John A. Hartford Foundation and Atlantic Philanthropies trains future leaders to influence healthcare policy, systems, and program development in aging. Following a rigorous residential training in Washington, DC, Fellows establish placements of up to 1 year in the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of government, at a federal agency, state or community agency or committee, or with a nongovernmental organization. The 2016e2017 Fellows’ activities represent a broad scope of work, including contributions to national and local policy priorities expected to build over time far beyond the core fellowship year. 2017 AMDA e The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.



health and aging policy, fellowship, influence policy


Cacchione, P.Z., Epstein-Lubow, G., Borer, A., Curran, P., Dabbs, A.D., Driessen, J., Kaskie, B., Skhan, F., Naegle, M., Ordway, A., Reinke, L.F;, Stein, G., West. T., Wright, K., Inouye, S.K (2017). Leadership for addressing aging in America: The health and aging policy fellowship. JAMDA 18.: 819-825.