SPEE 2090: Play Production



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Stern College for Women, Yeshiva University

YU Faculty Profile


CLASS DESCRIPTION The course is intended to provide a foundation of understanding about a variety of aspects of theatre production, including: the range of theatrical activity and the organization of theatre work; the principal elements of a dramatic text and of theatrical performance and at a basic level, each of the principal crafts of the theatre, including playwriting, acting, directing, design, and technical production. ¶REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL STUDENTS ● Registration list will be sent to the Deans and Registrar following attendance at the required initial meeting. ● Read the script of the play in production. ● Attend one rehearsal of the SCDS show. ● Attend Sunday rehearsal before opening – hours TBA. This is the first technical rehearsal where all of the technical and acting elements are integrated. Your specific attendance times will be clarified well beforehand. ● Attend at least one performance of the SCDS play. ● Be in constant communication with SCDS – respond quickly to emails, etc. ● If taking the course for two credits, you must participate in the work of the show for at least 25 hours and complete the written assignment. ● If auditing the course, clarify with your crew chief your availability and follow through on all responsibilities you take on. ¶All students will be assigned to one of the following tracks. Details of these assignments are listed below. ● ACTOR ● STAGE MANAGER/ASSISTANT STAGE MANAGER ● COSTUMES - CREW MEMBER OR CREW CHIEF ● STAGE CREW/SET BUILDING - CREW MEMBER OR CREW CHIEF ● PROPS - CREW MEMBER OR CREW CHIEF ● LIGHTING - CREW MEMBER OR CREW CHIEF ● SOUND - CREW MEMBER OR CREW CHIEF ● OPERATIONS/EVENTS/HOUSE MANAGERS/USHERS - CREW MEMBER or CREW CHIEF ● MARKETING/TICKET SELLERS/BOX OFFICE/GRAPHICS - CREW MEMBER or CREW CHIEF ● BOARD MEMBER


Course syllabus / YU only


theatre production, principal crafts of the theatre, playwriting, acting, directing, design, technical production


Gottfried, E. L. (2022, Fall). Syllabus: SPEE 2090: Play Production. Stern .College for Women, Yeshiva University