Colony -stimulating factor-1 receptor-signaling in the development of the skeletal and the central nervous systems




Nandi, Sayan

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ProQuest Dissertations & Theses

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Background. Colony stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1) is the primary mononuclear phagocyte growth factor. All the effects of CSF-1 are mediated by the CSF-1 receptor tyrosine kinase (CSF-1R), which is expressed by the cells of monocyte/macrophage lineage, including macrophages, osteoclasts in bone and microglia in brain, as well as by some other cell types. CSF-1 is expressed as three distinct isoforms, membrane-spanning cell-surface glycoprotein (csCSF-1), secreted glycoprotein (sgCSF-1) and secreted chondroitin sulfate (Glycosaminoglycan or GAG) proteoglycan (spCSF-1), each containing the first 150 amino acids that are essential for in vitro biological activity. CSF1-deficient (Csf1op/op) mice are osteopetrotic, due to a paucity of osteoclasts and have reduced tissue macrophages. However, CSF-1R-deficient (Csf1r-/-) mice display a more severe skeletal phenotype and a second CSF-1R ligand, interleukin-34 (IL-34) was recently identified. Expression of all 3 isoforms together but not csCSF-1 alone, corrects the osteopetrotic defects of Csf1 op/op mice, suggesting a role for secreted CSF-1s in osteoclast development/function. The density of microglia in Csf1op/op brains is reduced and CSF-1 promotes neuronal survival and outgrowth in vitro, suggesting that CSF-1 is trophic for neural cells.;Aim. To examine the role of the CSF-1/CSF-1R in the development of skeleton (subaim 1) and brain (subaim 2).;Subaim 1. To determine the roles of the secreted CSF-1 isoforms and in particular, the spCSF-1 GAG chains in CSF-1-dependent skeletal development.;Methods. Transgenic mice expressing secreted CSF-1 precursors that differed only by presence or absence of the GAG addition site were characterized to determine the biological role of the CSF-1 GAG chains. The actions of both purified secreted CSF-1 isoforms on osteoclast development in vitro were also studied.;Results. Compared with mice exclusively expressing spCSF-1 precursor that generated both sp and sg CSF-1, mice expressing SpDeltaGAG and sg CSF-1, devoid of the GAG chains, failed to completely rescue the osteopetrotic phenotype of Csf1op/op mice, displaying reduced osteoclast polarization. However, in vitro, sgCSF-1 stimulated osteoclastogenesis more efficiently than spCSF-1.;Significance. These studies demonstrate an important in vivo role of the spCSF-1 GAG chains in the regulation of osteoclast function. In addition, distinct roles for secreted CSF-1s in osteoclast development are suggested, while sgCSF-1 may be important for the generation of osteoclasts, spCSF-1 is necessary for their function.;Subaim 2. To examine the role of CSF-1R-signaling in brain development.;Methods. Both Csf1op/op and Csf1r-/- mice were characterized to determine the roles of CSF-1 and CSF-1R in brain. CSF-1-reporter transgenic mice were used to determine CSF-1 mRNA localization and CSF-1R and IL-34 expression were determined immunohistochemically. FACS-purified neural stem cell (NSC) clonal cultures were used to assess the cell autonomous effects of CSF-1R in NSC.;Results. Csf1 promoter activity was detected in the post-mitotic neurons of the regional neurogenic niches. Csf1r-/- brains exhibited multiple morphogenetic alterations. They also lacked microglia and displayed increased proliferation and apoptosis of NSC and reduced numbers of mature oligodendrocytes and neurons. CSF-1R was expressed by NSC and by more lineage-restricted neuronal and glial precursors. Consistent with the existence of another ligand (IL-34) for the CSF-1R, the brain phenotype of Csf1op/op mice was less severe than the Csf1r-/- brain phenotype. Like CSF-1, IL-34 is expressed by neurons, but IL-34 expression is developmentally earlier and minimally overlaps with CSF-1 expression. In vitro, CSF-1 or IL-34 suppressed NSC self-renewal and enhanced neurogenesis, in the absence of microglia.;Significance. These results indicate that CSF-1R signaling is absolutely required for the development of microglia and, via the action of its ligands, plays additional roles in brain development by regulating NSC survival, proliferation and differentiation.



Molecular biology., Genetics., Neurosciences.


Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 70-10, Section: B, page: 5998.;Advisors: E Richard Stanley.